Friday, October 15, 2010

New Favorite Taco Mac

Soooo... I felt sketchy about going to the same Taco Mac 2 days in a row so I decided to frequent one that was closer to work since I was just stopping for a beer or two before I headed over. SO GLAD I DID!! The new one has a much bigger draught beer selection, and the bartenders are much nicer. ALSO, there are more alchies there and less real people which is always a plus haha.

Terrapin Rye Pale Ale
Pale Ale; 5.3%
Origin: Athens, GA

I had bought this beer a few times before, and really never enjoyed it. This time I had more of an open mind.. Still an extremely bitter beer to me. The taste lingers in the back of your mouth and is just BIIITTTTERRR. I couldn't drink it fast. Had almost like a grapefruit feeling to it.. that kind of bitterness. The rye and hops are very prevalent in the taste. It's a very pale colored beer. Looks nice, but it bites you.

Sam Adams Octoberfest
Seasonal Dark; 5.7%
Origin: Massachusetts

I chose this picture so you could see how pretty this beer is! We just got it in where I bartend, so I have been loving this beer for quite a while now. It has such a warm, earthy taste. Very malty. I also like it a lot because it's not filling at all like some of the other dark beers have been. Some of the tastes are like a "roasted taste" and almost a caramel hint at the very end of a sip. I love this one! Definitely one of my new favorites. Too bad it's seasonal!!!

Southern Tier Pumking
????; 10.1%
Origin: New York

This is officially the weirdest beer I HAVE EVER TASTED. I don't know if you can even call it beer? It smells like straight up Halloween--candy, caramel, pumpkins, hay... it's eery. AND THEN, if the smell wasn't enough, it's a deep deep orange color. AND THEN, the taste. I will start by trying to explain the taste in beer lingo and then I'll just tell you the Katie version. It has a heavy pumpkin and caramel presence, a little bit of vanilla, and a overall warm dryness to it.

Ok now here is what this beer tastes like: BUTTER POPCORN JELLY BELLIES. I am not joking, it tastes the exact same. So crazy.

This beer is extremely easy to drink (like drinking candy), and this added to its high alcohol content makes it a very tricky ho. Drink with caution.

peace and love,


  1. I don't know how I feel about a beer that tastes like popcorn...especially Jelly Belly popcorn. :/

  2. It was probably the most bizarre one I've tried yet.
