Friday, October 15, 2010

Many of the Oktoberfest draughts were going fast, so I opted to aim for those before they were replaced with other seasonal beers.

Warsteiner Oktoberfest

Hefe-Weizen; 5% 
Origin: Germany

Took the first sip of this beer and immediately reconsidered my dedication to this challenge, haha. I HATED it. But I trucked on, and the more I drank the more it grew on me. It was a lighter, fruitier beer which I attribute to it being a Hefe-Weizen. It was a little more lightly colored than I originally predicted it to be. Very low bitterness. Barely any aftertaste.

Terrapin Pumpkinfest
Seasonal Dark; technically a lager; 6.1%
Origin: Athens, GA

This beer had a nice coloring when it was poured-- a very deep orange. The taste wasn't quite as pumpkin-like as I had expected, but there were definitely other spices at play that made it a smoother beer. The only time I could taste the pumpkin was in the aftertaste which tended to linger. Not very bitter. Had a very evident oktoberfest-esque taste however.

Warsteiner Konig-Ludwig
Hefe-Weizen; 5.5%
Origin: Germany

Let me just say. Eww Eww Eww Eww EWWWWW. Definitely not a beer I will be drinking again. It comes with an orange, so I tried it both with and without and this is simply not the beer for me. No.

But don't let me sway you, try it! It might be your new favorite!

Magic Hat #9
IPA; 5.1%
Origin: Vermont

I hated the last beer so much that I had to go back to one of my favorites, haha. I LOVE THIS BEER! Technically it's a pale ale, but it tastes far different than any I've tasted. It is infused with apricots and has almost a buttery taste to it when on draught. Very dry beer, and one of the heavier Magic Hat beers. The company describes it as "not quite a pale ale" which fits its taste, color, and smell perfectly.

Lager; 5%
Origin: Thailand

My first bottled beer during the challenge. I decided to order it because I'm bartending at a Thai restaurant, and we have several Thai beers. This beer is the best-selling beers in Thailand, and the company that makes it also makes the exotic Mekhong Rice Whiskey we serve. It was a very light beer. No special tastes, no lingering bite. Just a simple, light beer. Now maybe it was just the 4 beers I had before hand, but going back to a lighter, less flavorful beer reminded me of going back to the cheap beers that I love so much. So Chang--winner in my book.

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