Friday, November 5, 2010


Today, I had a few beers while I waited for Joey to pick me up to go up to Sewanee for the weekend!! So excited!! But I figured I should continue my education while I waited...

Wild Heaven Ode to Mercy
Imperial Brown Ale, 8.2%
South Carolina (soon to be Decatur, GA)

I let my sister pick a beer for me, and she chose purely for the name. Surprisingly, she managed to pick a relatively new brewing company that is just now getting started. This beer was.... I'm sure extremely tasty, but let me just say it was definitely not for me. It was extremely dark, you could smell it from across the table, and it had a strong coffee/chocolate taste which I am coming to realize I HATE in beer unless I am in the mood for it. It was really thick feeling and heavy (probably why I didn't like it). Overall, I probably wouldn't get this again.

Sweetwater 420
Pale Ale; 5.4%
Atlanta, GA

After years of claiming to hate this Sweetwater, I decided to give it another shot with my newfound beer open-mindedness. Tried it again, and I will admit I like it slightly MORE than I have in the past. It's still not my favorite beer, but I have definitely learned to respect it. Especially since it is one of the only 4 beers on draught at my bar, and one of my new friends LOVES it, I have learned to get along with Sweetwater 420. It's officially off my hate-list.

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