Friday, November 5, 2010


Back from Sewanee, and since it's a Monday I finally get to drink AFTER work. I decided to give the smaller Taco Mac closer to my house another chance and got lucky with a really great bartender!

Spaten Octoberfest
Octoberfest; 5.9%
Origin: Germany

This beer was ok.. The brewery claims that this beer was the start of Oktoberfest. If this is true, then it's kind of sad because there are MANY more October beers that I prefer over this one. It was a good beer, very drinkable, not too heavy, not to malty or hoppy.. but there was just nothing special about it in my eyes.

Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout
Milk Stout; 5.2%
Origin: Colorado

Poured black with a chocolate-colored head. Legit tastes like adult chocolate milk. Had a warming feeling while drinking this beer. It's cold yet tastes warm if that makes any sense at all. It was extremely heavy and creamy though, which kind of turned me off but I think I must have been in a chocolate stout mood that day because I remember really really enjoying this beer. One of the better stouts I have had to date.

Duck Rabbit Barley Wine '09
English Barley Wine; 11%
Origin: North Carolina, USA

The bartender convinced me into trying this beer next purely for the fact that it was going to be an extremely rare credit on my Brewniversity account. This tasted crazy. Because it had such a high alcohol content, it came in one of the smaller glasses. It was so weird!! You could definitely taste the alcohol and it was very wine-like to me. I kept having Franzia flashbacks the more I drank. It was very smooth, medium consistency, and extremely easy to drink. I loved it. Too bad I'll probably never get to drink it again :(

Smithwicks 20oz Draught
Amber Ale; 4.5%
Origin: Ireland

After the Duck Rabbit Barley Wine, I was definitely getting a little bit tipsy so I don't know how accurate the review of this beer will be BUT.. It was very smooth and creamy. I tasted caramel. It also had a medium body so it took me a bit longer to drink since I was getting full at that point! I did realize that the flavor improved as the temperature of the beer went up. I noticed more and more flavor the warmer the beer got and I'm glad I did because when it's cold you definitely miss out on some of the taste!

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